What Determines Health?

Nutrition and exercise are just a piece of the health puzzle. Health is incredibly complex and nuanced. And it’s easy to believe that health is all up to us when the health and wellness messaging almost always revolves around physical behaviors like, diet and exercise.…

6 Things You Can Do For Your Health – No Diets Required

Interested in improving health? Amazing! There’s a lot you can do for your health. Thinking about which diet for weight loss can boost your health? Hold the phone. Dieting with the intention of weight loss is not the same as health. In fact, diets are…

Intuitive Eating Not Working For You? 3 Common Reasons Why You Might Be Struggling

Have you dipped your toes into intuitive eating only to decide it’s not working for you? Or maybe you love everything about the philosophy and have been working on it for awhile but you’re feeling stuck? Here are 3 common struggles to intuitive eating you…