The 4 Types of Hunger in Intuitive Eating

If you’ve heard much about intuitive eating, you’ve probably heard a lot about hunger. And maybe you’ve heard the not so helpful advice “just eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full.” But what do you do when you feel like eating but you’re…

6 Reasons Why BMI is BS

BMI is heavily present in our world. From gyms and doctors offices to “biggest loser” breakroom competitions, media reports and insurance companies. This crude measurement categorizes people’s weight into ranges solely based on height and weight. And it uses language like “normal,” “underweight”, “overweight”, or…

Is Fruit Unhealthy?

A scary trend has emerged with the conception of certain fad diets, such as keto and paleo. More and more people are claiming fruit is “bad for you” and fruit is “toxic.” And certain fruits are being avoided because they have too many carbs, too…

Is Your Wellness Lifestyle Is a Diet In Disguise?

“But I’m not on a diet…but wait, am I?”  10 questions to ask yourself to find out if your wellness lifestyle is a diet in disguise. Several years ago, a large marketing study was done on diet trends.  They found consumers had become skeptical and were…

Healthy vs. Unhealthy: It’s not that simple

The word healthy has been distorted to reflect more of a moral compass than a state of well-being. Learn to redefine what health means to you. As a society we are moving further and further away from an understanding of what true health is.  The…