Why Do I Keep Wanting Food After I Eat? The Importance of Satisfaction in Eating

If you’re familiar with intuitive eating, you’ll know that a lot of it surrounds the concept of using internal cues, like hunger and fullness, to guide eating. What often gets overlooked or lost in the social media cesspool of misinformation is the importance of the…

5 Steps to Shutting Down Your Internal Food Police

The food police are the unreasonable rules and expectations that govern your actions around food and eating. Guilt-provoking thoughts, negative phrases and hopeless statements are constant reminders that you need to be “good” and if you’re “bad,” then you’re a failure. They are housed deep…

Is Fruit Unhealthy?

A scary trend has emerged with the conception of certain fad diets, such as keto and paleo. More and more people are claiming fruit is “bad for you” and fruit is “toxic.” And certain fruits are being avoided because they have too many carbs, too…

What’s the Problem with Health Goals?

Before every new year, millions of people set their sights on a making plans for a fresh start in the next year.  Many of these plans revolve around making goals to become more “healthy,” by losing weight, eating better or getting fit.  Regardless of whether…

Rhubarb Almond Muffins

Hi Again! It’s been a minute, I know.  But in that minute, some exciting things have happened.  Things that will allow me to invest more time into the projects I’ve been dying to get off the ground…like, for one, keeping up with this blog, but…