Hey there! I’m Dana King, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, and welcome to The Whole Beet Kitchen. Just so you know a little about me, I’m a city dwelling Nebraska native, wife to the most loving and supportive husband, an extroverted introvert, cookbook junkie, wannabe farmer, mother to a house full of animals and lover of all things food and kitchen related. It was only natural I fell into a career that involves food with the addition of my interest in health. My philosophy around nutrition is pretty simple: It starts in the kitchen with delicious, nourishing and simple meals while enjoying the foods that make you feel good!
I believe food should be enjoyed and something that brings people together and connects us as cultures, as families and as humans.
Nurturing your body shouldn’t be something that is controlled or manipulated with diets, food rules, obsessive eating and so forth, which all work against our bodies’ innate wisdom about eating. It’s about understanding your own personal relationship with food, being connected to your body and listening to your own internal cues rather than relying on external sources, which don’t take into account the mind’s warped perceptions, judgments and emotional feelings.
If you feel like food is the enemy, feel guilty for eating, frustrated and anxious about food, or if you only feel healthy when you’re on a diet, confused and overwhelmed about what to eat, tired of going from one diet to the next, then just know you are not alone. The problem is not you. I am here to help you find your way through the nutrition noise and the system of dieting that sets us up for failure. Let’s redefine what food means to you and reclaim the joy of eating by breaking free of the diet mentality and diet/wellness culture chains. Move forward from a life of restriction so you can live a life full of happiness around food and rediscover the enjoyment of eating. Learn how to approach food and nutrition in a realistic way without judgement and feel empowered to say goodbye forever to your inner food police, so you can make time to live your life and focus on the things that matter to you!